Psalm 124 begins, "If it had not been the LORD who was on our side-- let Israel now say-- ." It goes on to say that their enemies would have destroyed them. So I always assumed God was on my side. Right? Of course the little niggle in my brain kept saying that something might not be quite right with this thinking. This week I read Joshua 5. The scene is just before the defeat of Jericho. Joshua sees a man with sword drawn. So Joshua inquires,
"Are you for us or for our enemies?" We all know this answer. God was on Israel's side. Right? He picked them to be His people. Hmmm--The man with the sword answered Joshua's question in a way that adjusted my thinking. He said,
"Neither." Neither? The man said he was captain of the host of the Lord. He wasn't an angel, because he let Joshua worship Him. It took a minute, but I got it. God is on God's side. He's not on our side unless we join His side. It's a comfort. Keeping God on my side is a lot to live up to. Nice to know that just staying on His side is the key.
You sure have blown it for all those that think your distant cousin's football team, the Dallas Cowboys, is God's team too. Many people think He is on their side. Oh well, I'm glad I joined His side long ago.
I'm glad to be on the Lord's side too.
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