Thursday, September 28, 2006


My small group begins again tomorrow night. I woke up a few minutes ago out of a nightmare. I dreamed that I was going to group, but I couldn't find my clothes. Then when I did, I couldn't find my notebook, then I'd find it and lose my clothes again. I finally got to the group. I couldn't get people to sit down. Bill Gaither was in my group and in the midst of all the confusion he was sitting on the edge of his seat with his notebook in his lap.

On a note of reality, my small group is splitting, because we had 20 sign up. I am teaching a lady in my church to be a facilitator. I think she is going to be great. We are talking about prayer.

1 comment:

Jason Fullen said...

Thanks for being a leader that is wise enough to realize when a small group is not a small group if it has 20 people in it! I am glad your group(s) are going well!