Monday, January 21, 2008

Moving to Texas

Bert and I after prayer and journaling and Bible reading have decided to move back to Texas after 14 years for him and 12 1/2 years for me in Oregon. There are many good resons to move back, the greatest of which is we believe it is God's direction. But there are things I will miss about Oregon. They include:

The people at my church
Friends around town
Friends in Washington
Short cool summers
Oregon strawberries in June
Huckleberry picking in August (complete with bear tracks)
My house
Seeing snow-covered mountains on clear days
Dozens and dozens of quilt shops
Not having to pump my own gas

Things I will like about Texas

Shorter winters
Fresh tomatoes in May
A longer growing season for vegetables
And surely God has a church for us . . . and some quilt shops. (I see 3 in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area)
A barbeque place on every corner
Gas that is a little cheaper
Closer to family
Closer to old friends
Easier access to Jason & Rachel
. . . and most of all MY GRANDCHILDREN!!!


Anonymous said...

Uhhh... no comments on this topic yet? Well, let me be the first to say it. We are so ready for you to be here!!! I am glad my Dad and Momma and one sister will be Lone Star Staters once again. I know there are many people to miss and be missed by in OR and WA, but let them all know you will be wolcomed warmly in Texas. And they can come visit, too!

Rachel said...

I'll miss Oregon, too, but the move will be easier on our pocket book.