Saturday, March 31, 2007

No Dark

Has anyone ever noticed that there is no such thing as "a dark." If there was, we could say,
"Can someone turn on the dark?" or
"Here, use my dark." or
"Let me borrow your dark."

No, there is no such thing as a dark--because we don't need one. Life is naturally dark and we spend our whole lives trying to get light. Sometimes our attempts at light only intensify our darkness.

The good news is that the nature of light is to consume darkness. When a door opens from a light room to a dark closet, the dark does not fall out of the closet, but the light falls into the darkness.

1 comment:

Ana Schaetzle said...

That's a very interesting, clever and true way of "describing" dark. I surely like it. Isn't that wonderful to know that God is our source of light and that with Him we do not have to live on the dark? I love the example that you used about the closet, perfect!