Saturday, December 30, 2006

Reflections of December 30, 2006

Today's news proclaims the end of three lives--Gerald Ford, James Brown, and Saddam Hussein. A few thought have been unravelling in my mind as I listen to the reports.
Saddam Hussein - Here was a man who lived with ultimate power in his own created kingdom. He died helpless. "And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment--" Hebrews 9:27.
Gerald Ford - I remember seeing him step off a helicopter in Texas. We were in a huge crowd standing and waiting to get just a glimpse of The President of the United States. It is interesting that as I watched this President who served only part of a term and was not really lauded as a powerful President, I was stuck by a sense of power as he stepped off that helicopter. I thought, "I am witnessing principalities and powers." As I watched Mrs. Ford today, watching her husband's coffin loaded into an airplane, I thought, "She would have rather been doing anything else than this today."
James Brown - His funeral is more like a star-studded gala. It's OK with me--his family, his funeral, but a little strange that it is also Michael Jackson's debut to his new life. I wondered when I saw that Brown's body was laid out for viewing at the Apollo Theater, where I might like to be laid out. And I have decided--Fabric Depot--73,000 sq ft. of fabric. If you are interested see this link:


Rachel said...

Very funny, mom. I hope that the day of your viewing they are having the 40% off sale. If the timing isn't right, maybe they would have a special sale in your honor. It would be the least they could do in appreciation for all the money you've spent there.

DaddyBert said...

I would think with the money dropped in that store they would be able to raise the percentage for all comers:-))

Jessica said...

You are a nut! Would you like them to move a cutting table so you can be there where everyone is lined up waiting to have their fabric cut or would next to the Moda dots be better?

mimi said...

The Moda dots are the best.